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    Starting a Blog of Your Own

    The fact that there are so many blogs out there is partially because they are very simple and easy to get started. When the Internet first started to catch on, there was a lot of discussion about making and keeping the internet free, open, and giving anyone the freedom to say what they wanted and be heard.  As open as it seemed, it was still challenging to be heard – you needed the ability to write code in HTML, upload files to a FTP server, and dial to connect to the Internet.  They were strange times, and many wanna-be writers were still stuck, unable to publish their works.  It wasn't impossible, but it was still out of reach for many.

    Blogging has come a long way to keeping that initial promise.  If you can type a document or email, you can write a blog.  While every interface - that is, how every different system works - is different, most are so simple anyone can write a post without knowing code.  

    Many blogs have a piece of software you can download and use, and often, the interface is online.  Popular blog client Drivel is as simple as they come

    Drivel - Dead simple Blogging

    When using Drivel, blogging is as simple as filling in the title and the content.  When you finish, you just click Post and call it a night.  

    Different blog software uses different features.  Like any software, some research will tell you which feature you might need and want.  There are different features, types, and prices for all uses.  We'll cover how to choose the right software for you later on, but for now, lets talk about setting up a blog using Blogger.

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