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    How To Write a Post in Blogger

    This is finally the moment when you become a blogger, after everything else that was thought about the pondered:  you're finally about to write your first post.  Your very first entry, article, or piece of writing for the blogosphere.  We've talked about the Blogosphere a bit before, and it's a semi-ironic word used to describe the act of blogging, bloggers, and blog readers.  Whether you like it or not, you are now apart of one of the dumbest words ever used to coin a community.  Let's get started.

    READ MORE // Post Frequency

    The actual writing of a blog post isn't that much different from writing a letter, or an email.  Most posts are short, but some can be longer.  They are usually written in a conversational, casual tone.  This all really depends on what you want your blog to BE.  If you want to use your blog as a writer for longer-length fiction novels, then go for it.  Blogging is really as open a field as writing itself.  Every blog, and every writer, eventually takes on a personality and voice of it's own.

    We'll talk about finding your own voice later

    If you've ever used web-based email, such as Hotmail, Gmail, or others, online blogging software, such as Blogger, is going to feel easy and intuitive.  Creating a post can be as simple as filling in some fields with a title, the content, formatting the content and then publishing.  As easy as Email and sometimes more direct.

    Here's how to write a blog post:

    1. Create a New Post

    Once you finish signing up for a blog with Blogger (which we covered a few articles ago), head over to the main page, or dashboard, and give the bright orange box labelled "New Post" a click.  

    Click the Orange Button

    If it's been a while since you've been on blogger, you'll have to sign in.  Once you do sign in, you'll be taken directly to the dashboard - a main control centre - with information on all the blogs you've set up, and quick access to tools, helpful resources and settings.  From the dashboard, click the same "New Post" button.

    2. Give your post a title

    Titles are difficult.  Like a Newspaper heading, a title should be catchy, informative and draw the reader in.  They give the reader a reason to click in and read the article.

    3.  Write Your Content.

    A good rule of thumb is to write your article or content in a word-processing program, like notepad or Microsoft Word and paste it into the content field.  This gives you the ability to save your post whenever you want.  Most blogging platforms have an auto-save feature, but better safe than sorry.  Many bloggers - this one included - have spent hours crafting the perfect post only to have the internet go down, or something go wrong, resulting in a lost post.  You don't want to loose all your hard work just because the WiFi was spotty!  

    4.  Format.

    Blogger's platform has a series of icons across the top of the content field, letting you change the font, size, and color of your text, even going so far as to let you use Bold, Italics, Add Links, Lists, Forms and more.  To use any of these features, select the text by clicking and dragging over the words you want to change, and then clicking the appropriate icon, or option from a drop down menu.

    So.  Many.  Options
    via David Tierney

    There's a little extra button next to 'Compose' at the top labelled 'HTML'  We'll get into coding a little - maybe a lot - later, but if you know how to write HTML code, you can drill down and edit your post by hand.  This is extremely helpful, but can seriously damage your work.   More about this later.

    For more writing tips and tutorials, follow us on 
    Twitter @TAOBlogging,  and on Facebook

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