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    Previewing Your Post

    Before you publish your first post, or any post, you can preview what you've created by clicking the 'Preview' link found on the top right of your window, across from the editing icons.  This preview is very WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get), so it is showing you your post exactly as it will appear, with text, formats, links and images all included

    /READ MORE// How to 'Read More' and Create an 'After the Jump' Link

    I always like to preview a post before I publish it, because since we change templates or formats often, some things tend to work out in composer but not on the blog.  It also is a great help for formatting or editing.  A preview is your last chance to edit or catch a mistake in your post, or even give some parts a second thought.  You can easily see how the text and images interact and make sure there are no strange line breaks or issues with spacing.

    If you see any changes you do want to make, click Hide Preview or close the tab in your browser and go back to editing.

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