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    The Benefits of Hosted

    Hosted means you are in full control of your website or blog.  It means you can do just about anything to the software once you've installed it.  That means benefits for your blog:

    /READ MORE// Establishing Goals For Your Blog


    Having great design will depending completely on your own ability.  Stand-alone blogs are generally very adaptable, but that all depends on how it gets designed.  Some blogs have brilliant, modern, creative deigns, many created by the author of the blog to match the style and tone of what they want to write.  Installing software on your server gives you access to every piece of code inside that software - from templates to graphics.  This can make your blog beautiful, or very difficult.


    A lot of the blogging software options that are out there are open source.  This means the code for the software is available for developers to tweak.  Programmers and Web Developers can add, update, remove, or improve functions for each platform.  Some packages offer different options and different programmers might be able to implement different levels of functionality.  This often comes in the form of Plug-Ins, which can be free or come at a cost.

    Technically Savy

    The blogging world, much like the real world has social classes and at the top you can find a lot of geeks.  If you want to be able to hand with the super smart kids, installing your own software is a must.

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