The Limitations of Non-Hosted
The first problem you'll probably find out about non-hosted is when you install your own blogging software: it sucks. You need to get the software files onto your own server, run the scripts, edit the code, and basically get down and dirty with the inner workings of websites and servers. This can either be simple - NOT often - or it can be a complete headache - more likely - and that mostly depends on how technically inclined you are, and how complex the software is.
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Important information ahead:
You can always cirvumvent technical issues by opting to use a web-hosting company that offers blogging software. Most blogging companies provide a list of web hosts who have in-house experts to handle the software. Give it a quick Google, and pursue the site, any site.
You other other option is to find a blogging company that will install the software for you. Usually for a small fee you can let an expert do all the actual work. This makes sense for one big reason: you only have to install the software once. If you don't know how to do it, you won't have to spend hours learning.
Of course, all software requires a certain level of upkeep, and most web hosts don't handle updates or tweaks on your end. You have to be prepared to handle those kinds of maintenance issues as they come up, either by doing it yourself, or finding someone who knows how.
There are some other downsides to Non-Hosted as well:
Design and Coding:
Making sure your blog looks great sounds easy enough, but it requires a vast array of skills to make that a reality - a little bit of everything from graphic design to HTML, php, or CSS. If you don't have these skills or know anyone who does, the freedom to customize a webpage does not really do you any good.
Domains and Hosting:
Unlike the hosted systems we've talked about, there's no way to avoid spending money to host your own blog. Hosted is free or cheap. Non Hosted is not. There are also less obvious costs, such as domain registration, web hosting and other fees.
Tech support:
Even if you pay to get blog software installed for you, or find a Web Host that does it automatically, if the software breaks - and it will - many Web hosts either can't or won't know how to fix it.
Back It Up:
If you install your own software, you're going to be responsible for making sure the software and content gets backed up, or you'll need to find - and pay extra - for a Web Host that will do it.
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