Things to do After Installing WordPress
Now that you have successfully installed WordPress, here are a few things to get started with your new WordPress site.
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Choosing a Theme
The visual appearance of your WordPress powered website is controlled by Themes. There are thousands of WordPress themes available for you to choose from. With so many choices, it can become a little confusing for beginners. This is why we have put together a guide on selecting the perfect theme for WordPress.
We regularly publish lists of WordPress themes that we like in our Showcase section.
Installing and Using WordPress Plugins
The real power of WordPress comes from the massive collection of plugins. These plugins allow you to extend your WordPress site by adding new functionalities and features.
There are more than 40,000 free plugins available in the WordPress plugin directory alone. More plugins are available from third party websites as paid plugins.
If you are wondering which plugins to install, then take a look at our WordPress plugins section. You may also want to check out the plugins we are using on this site by looking at our beginner’s blueprint.
We have a beginner’s step by step guide on how to install WordPress plugins.
Start Learning WordPress
WordPress is the most easy to use CMS in the market. Millions of people from all over the world use it every day. However, from time to time you may need a little help.
The Art of Blogging is one of the largest WordPress resource site in the world. We are helping WordPress beginners with our easy to understand WordPress tutorials, beginner’s guides, articles, and videos since 2009.
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