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    Facebook and the Web

    Facebook's Groups, Events and Photos are just a small way you can use Facebook to connect with people.  We'll talk more in detail about Facebook as a platform, but, in short, Facebook is a service you can you to connect and communicate with people you know.  Companies can use the Facebook Platform to build websites or applications that can allow Events, Groups and/or Photos.   They are the tools that are build onto the Facebook Platform.  They are the method by which people can share information and communicate

    /READ MORE// Share your Pictures With Facebook

    Websites and Applications that have been built on the Facebook Platform by other companies can include a variety of tools, including ones to help you edit photos, play games, exchange information or trade music, movies books and more.  

    Once you get comfortable with the basics of Facebook, you can try some of the thousands of applications - usually just called 'apps' - and the websites that allow you to interact with them via Facebook.  The options are endless, and we haven't even begun talking about the amazing details and potential behind third-party apps.  

    Get ready to enter a crazy new world

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