How to add Headings to a Post using HTML

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HTML has six different levels of headings, each getting less important as they increase in number. H1 is the biggest and most important, H2 slightly smaller and less important and so on and so forth. The final heading is H6, and it's actually not used very often, because its so small as to have little distinction between it and a regular paragraph.
For most uses H1 and H2 do their jobs well, giving you a larger text than the main body, and they also usually come across as bolder. You can add these heading tags with some easy HTML code:
This is the most important heading
HTML code is fairly easy to get the hang of: each tag - or block of code - is turned on by the first code in the parentheses, and turned off by the last repeating block. The backslash indicated a closed tag, meaning the circuit of code is complete and it can run.All headers can be implemented the same way, just substitute the number 1 with a number from 2 - 6.
This is the -second- most important heading
Headers look interesting but are more than that. While they make a difference in how your text looks, Search Engines understand the meaning behind a header: that they are more important than regular text, so words inside the header become marked as extra relevant to searches
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