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    Talking Back in the Comments

    Comments, and the ability to interact, are what really make a blog different from a website.  This ability to interact, engage and collaborate between readers and writers are unique to the blogging world.  

    Readers of a blog can comment on any and all posts.  Their comments can be reactions, questions, or even little errors they find.  Because readers can comment on other comments as well as the post, sometimes comments about other comments can lead into long and winding tangents.

    Most blogs have a built-in comment system or a link indicating how to comment, directly below the post.  Clicking a link can take you to a new page, or a pop-up window where you can post your comment using a form and read comments others have left behind.  Some comment systems require you to sign in, either to the blog, or via social media.  

    After the comment has been made, it gets posted and displayed in the comments section immediately, along with the reader's name, date, time and other information the reader may have left.  On some blogs, and even in YouTube videos, many people compete to be the first to leave a blog comment.

    Not all blogs allow for commenting.  Many blogs can become quickly overwhelmed with comments, and can not make time to respond to each and every one.  For many bloggers, this is a desired problem.  

    Comments can be an important way to get readers interested, involved and even develop a rapport.  Many bloggers respond to the comments directly with another comment.  In some blog systems, the author's reply is shaded or has an identifying feature to differentiate it as being the authors.  

    As a blogger, I overwhelmingly suggest you keep your comments turned on (if there's an option) and reach out to readers.  Comments are an easy and effective way to get your audience involved, and even get feedback on your blog
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