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    Blogger Layout Week 15: Awesome Inc, (Neon)

    How your blog looks has a huge impact on how many people visit your site, and how long they stay.  Blogger has made having a good-looking blog easy, with its built in templates and this is week 15 of Blogger Templates, and we’re continuing our look at Blogger's series of templates called Awesome Inc.

    Last time, The Art of Blogging used the fifth of Blogger's built-in 'Awesome Inc' Series. The fifth version was, well. pink


    This week we go back a step.  In much the same way Week 12’s Orange Haze was bold, strong, and powerful, so is Week 15's 'Neon'

    Simple colors, a focus on content, and a minimalist design give this template a simple and clean look.  Join us every Thursday as we take on a new look and a new blogger template.

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