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    Learning to Code and Beyond

    If you've ever thought about learning some new, geeky things - like learning how to add code to your blog - I'd like to start addressing you.  Knowing how to code in HTML can make your posts look better and can even do some neat stuff - like add video or audio to your blog.  Even just knowing the basics of coding can help make you a better blogger, and can do some impressive things for increasing your readership.

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    Code doesn't have to be a monster of many heads, an unapproachable beast than many bloggers simply run scared from.  If you follow some easy-to-learn rules, you can make some easy and great changes to your blog's layout.  Don't be afraid to experiment.  Making a few small changes to your blog, or tweaks to it's code, can make a huge difference to viewers, readers, search engines, and the quality of your blog

    If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for our Blogger and WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on FacebookTwitter and Google+.

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