The BluePrint: Theme Design
The Art of Blogging uses a custom designed Theme build specifically for our own purposes. This design is not downloadable or for sale, but you can check out our parents company [Human Element] Digital Agency who happily built it for us.
/READ MORE// How to Safely Change WordPress Themes
We've used a lot of custom themes throughout our existence - everything from Blogger to Wordpress to a Genesis Framework. Check out our Genesis Framework Review here.
If you are looking for a really great WordPress theme, we always suggest contacting [Human Element], but, full disclosure, they are our parent company.
If you prefer something a little easier to handle, we recommend grabbing a really good WordPress template. Some of our favorite theme-builders include:
Need help choosing a WordPress theme? See our article on 9 things you should consider when selecting a WordPress theme.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for our Blogger and WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
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