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    Using Facebook For Your Business

    Let's say you are or run a business.  You have things to sell.  How do you get people to buy things?  You don't just wander around to a spot outdoors and start shouting and hawking your wares, do you?  Well, you at least shouldn't.  You should go where people actually are, and people are on Facebook.  

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    Although most people use Facebook to connect with family and friends, more and more people and businesses are using it to connect with fans, supporters, customers, and patrons.  Beyond building a personal profile, people can create profiles for Bands, Businesses, Brands, Products, Services, or even themselves, if they happen to be a celebrity, politician, or other famous Public figure.

    Profiles like these are similar to personal profiles:  they're just a page on Facebook meant to represent a real-world person/entity and allow engagement with that person or entity.  

    These profiles are a bit different from user profiles in that the communication is often one-way.

    We can have a relationship with a coffee store, for example, but the store doesn't really have a connection or relationship with us.  That means there are slight differences in how a business profile functions.  That's something worth talking about in depth later on - there's a lot to discuss about how to advertise a business with, without and in addition to having a business profile on Facebook.

    Facebook users create profiles with detailed, specific information about themselves - and how they use Facebook reveals even more about them.  Facebook uses this information to offer a targeted advertising platform, letting marketers reach targeted audiences based on who people are, what they like and more.

    Facebook can also offer something called 'social targeting'.  

    There are many goods out there, and we're often more inclined to buy those goods if someone we know has had a positive experience with them, or the company selling them.  When Facebook shows a person an ad, it also tells them how many of their friends have had that experience with the good, service, or business.  Even further, if you have a friend who interacted with an ad, you are more likely to see that same ad, then someone who's network has not interacted with the ad.  

    This 'social' advertising is basically a win-win for businesses and consumers:  businesses don't have to waste money or generalize their brand or message for a large population, and users are more likely to see ads for things that interest them.

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